Saturday, May 19, 2007

Check Your Temperature

Ever wonder why your stupid, buck-toothed-breast-fed baby is failing to thrive? Perhaps it is becuase you're giving them spoiled milk to drink. Don't take my word for it-do a search for "Food Safety" and check what temperature they advise keeping milk at. Go ahead, I'll wait.

*taps fingers on desk*
Hmmm, deee dummm

Oh good, you're back. Between 38 and 40 degrees F. Correct? Now shove a hand into that oh-so-attractive nursing bra you're sporting these days and tell me if that feels like the gallon of milk in the ice box. Right, I didn't think so. You really should know better.



Goody said...

Oh.My.God. You Can't READ. This is a parody site, you moron.

Anonymous said...

That's the temp you should keep milk that has left the body, dorkus.

Even cows milk is body temp before it comes out of the cow!

Anonymous said...

breastfeeding is just nasty i would go crazy if I ever saw a woman next me doing that as a woman it just is so gross to me ewwww this must stop!

Anonymous said...

Your a cockhead, My baby is 11 months old and is breastfed, and guess what mate she has been walking since before she was 10 months old, she says over 20 words and is probably alot smarter then u cunt.

Anonymous said...

"You're", not "your" a cockhead.

I heard breastfeeding causes poor grammar usage. I'm feeding formula...and getting my baby a copy of Strunk and White.

Anonymous said...

Are you really that stupid? That's for pasteurized cow milk...if you drink cow's milk right after it has come from the cow, it will not make you sick and is healthy. It just keeps longer after pasteurization at a low temp.

And breastmilk has antibodies to protect babies from illnesses. Formula does not have that because it cannot be replecated. How is that a good thing? Hmmm...Oh,'s not.

Anonymous said...

What business is it of yours if someone decides to breastfeed or not? If someone gets insulted because I breastfeed my child in public you have maturity issues. Beside I see girls walking around showing more of there boobs than I do when I breastfeed!