Sunday, May 20, 2007
At least formula babies are real
Terry you are so right thank you for pointing that out. Here in Milwaukee I see a lot of women making a big show of breastfeeding and when you look close you see it's NOT A BABY IT IS JUST A DOLL!!!! THEY CAN'T HAVE REAL BABIES so they just like to flash their breasts. I bet if they do have a baby they will do it in the bus and take off their panties for all the hairy men to see.
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Omg, you are hilarious! I feel the same way, breastfeeding totally grosses me out. I have a 1 year old daughter who I formula fed! And I am proud of myself, cause everytime someone asked why I wasn't breastfeeding, I said "Ewww, no way!" I love pissing off breastfeeders too!
Why is this site not updated? me likey.
I dunno, guess I ran out of funny. Glad you got a chuckle though, God knows you could use one.
the mother who breastfeeds loves her child. the mother who formula feeds obviously does not care for the well being of her baby. these are the same mothers who will smoke and drink and eat junk food while pregnant, vaccinate without question, circumcise their sons, abuse their children, blame their babies for their own overweight bodies, and leave their helpless infants to cry it out in a crib two rooms away. they do not see the merit of holding their children and think that children need to be toughened up. a breastfeeding mother is one who cares.
If breastfeeding is so gross and unnatural, then why on earth did god create women with mammary glands? To create something for men to stare at? No. To feed our children. It is proven that children who are breastfeeding/have breastfed have higher IQ's than children who did not. Breast milk is full of nutrients that not any kind of imitation milk or formula could ever provide. Men are the ones who perverted the act of breastfeeding. They grope, kiss and suck on our breasts and imitate the innocent, natural act of an infant doing what they are suppose to. Formula is unnatural. The manufacturers put a cute, little bear on the container or carton of powder to make mothers think that this is okay for their child(ren) to drink. Breastfeeding is what the loving, able mother would do. For those WHO CAN'T, formula is okay. If you can, do not be a prude. Do what your body is meant to do. We have milk there for a reason!
Omg I totally agree with you I have convinced everyone I am friends with that breast feeding is gross and disgusting I was formula fed , like ew gross whenever I see a woman do that in a mall i FREAK! so rude and gross my mommy and my are the closest mother and daughter and I was formula fed she totally agrees with me that its disgusting, thank god theres normal people who see how GROSS this is !
I can't wait until the day when these idiotic people think its gross to take a shit. They will hold their shit until it backs up into their bodies and they are completely putrid with their own rotting internal toxic. They will make fun of the TRULY NORMAL PEOPLE who know that taking a shit is the natural way to remove wastes from the body. At the end these fools will die at life expectancies of 25 or 30. Of course this will take another few decades, the propaganda against natural dedication has to have time to brainwash the idiots--but wow are the brainwashing methods getting more and more efficient. They also need time to develop an expensive substitution for dedication that must be purchased from the store or obtained via government vouchers
for those who are too poor
Yes, a much better parody I think.
Go ahead. ff when you have a baby. Make the poor innocent thing 250% more likely to have respitory infecions. Spend thousands on formula when you could be investing it in a home, or (gasp) their education. Deprive them of the bonding and higher IQs. What the hey. It sounds like you figured this whole infant feeding thing out: it's about your image.
@Emily- I guess not being able to produce enough milk causing me to need formula makes me an uncaring, abusive, horrible mother? It is people like you that are sooooo obsessed with yourself and your opinions that you don't care who you hurt when you make them. Congratulations for being able to whip out your boob in public and using your child to get attention for yourself. That makes you a MUCH better mother than me obviously.
I'm very considerate of the mothers that don't have the ability to breastfeed but, what do the other mothers that are capable what do you think breast are for? Breast are not sexual objects and, you may think it's gross but, don't you drink cows milk not that you latch on the cow but, it still comes out of it's udders ( breast ). Tests have shown that breastfed babies have a higher IQ and, it's very sad to see that you guys are talking about how you don't want a buck tooth baby. Did you even care to look up the benefits of breastfeeding. I'm 12 and, can't believe what goes on your minds.
You can only find nutjobs like this in the USA...
Poor country, half full of idiots...
We are born lactating for a reason. Emily said nothing wrong, she even said she understands some women can't bf, so why are you so upset Peggy?
No Milk? Most women have enough milk they just need to make sure the production is kept up. Once you reach for the bottle you already messed with your milk supply.
I breastfeed but Emily your comments were harsh,and have no factual base.
Breastfeeding is scientifically better. I hope all mothers can try to breastfeed, and have the support they need. If a mother can't breastfeed or is booby trapped into a "failed" breastfeeding venture then there is donor milk or formula. However, formula is scientifically been proven to be less adequate than breastmilk, and powdered formula is contaminated(there is no sterile powdered formula*fact*) if you must use formula please mix it according to WHO standards for the safest way possible. As for breastfeeding moms, keep up the good work, breastfeeding is harder than bottle feeding because we don't have the support we should have. The act is simply a baby feeding,yet nurseing babies get discriminated against. Breastfeeding isn't gross, but this blog is biased and full of words spelled wrong and reeks of ignorance, and unintelligents. .....what would you have done in the pre-formula era? Let your own child die? Or nurse\donor feed your baby. I don't judge there's on how they feed,but I don't think I should be judged for doing THE best I can for my son. (Who I nursed discretely,uncovered, any where,any time,any place....and he is 16 mo) I don't know why this is an issue, babies are being fed. That is what is important.(or would you rather my son scream from hunger while you pig out in a reastraunt?)
Actually, even if you have a c-section, you can still breastfeed. I has one, and am currently nursing my 2 month old. Even if you can't breastfed, you can pump and feed expressed milk.
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