Thursday, July 19, 2012

Breastfeeding is a Bacterial Feeding Ground

At least the rubber nipples and bottles get sterilised once in a while. Breastfeeding mothers never wash themselves up, or use a wet-wipe before feeding. Gross. If I served you milk from a filthy, crusty glass you'd throw up. Your baby? That's not burping, it is spit-up, because you're making him sick with your festering boobs.

I don't like drinking from filthy sources, and neither does my baby, so I'm feeding formula. Healthy, balanced, nutritious, engineered formula. Sterile. From a tin.


Anonymous said...

Seriously?! You do know that breastmilk is a natural antibacterial, right? It's good for cleaning scraps, cuts, and burns. Don't believe me? Look it up. Oh, and I think you're an ignorant moron. If you want your baby to eat chemicals and have digestive problems the keep feeding him/her formula. Try some research before you talk.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! You are so ignorant, look up the ingredients of the formulas and then talk. I feel sorry for your kids

Amanda Nicole said...

You do realize that formula fed babies spit up more and their poop smells much worse than breastfeed babies poop right?

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted that is coming from a mom.. I am not against woman who use formula it is everyone option to do whatever they want for their child. But you are down right ridiculous and a complete fucking moron if you believe half the shit you are stating on here. Yes i had my son natural no epidural in the water at a birth center (like a savage I guess) I also breastfeed and my son is super smart happy nothing is wrong with him. Hmm let me guess you are also for pitocin and csections too huh. If you did any sort of research you will see that formula is the worst shit to give your child. I guess not all woman are willing to sacrifice a little to put the welfare and health of their child before their own comfort.

Unknown said...

I just posted this on another post but will here again- if any of you boob nazis, use deodorant, toothpaste, hair dye, makeup/creams/sunblock, nail polish/remover, non organic foods, etc etc then you are feeding your kid chemicals just as well. period. Talk about clueless idiots.

Anonymous said...

callie smith...that's not how breastfeeding works. I beg you to please educated yourself. Also, please refrain from using the term "nazi" it's offensive and disrespectful. :(

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand how many of you think it is ok to have your kid suck on your nipples. A baby's mouth does not belong there! It is sick!!