Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Babies Need Formula to Thrive

According to breast scientists, your breasts are over 90% water. Why would you want to feed your baby water when companies make safe, nutritious formula? Unless you hate your baby, then you breast feed them. I mean, every time I gain weight, it is in my breasts-water weight. Everyone (including breast scientists who know about this stuff) knows your baby won't thrive on water. Give 'em a bottle of formula and stop being such an ignoramus.

You are soooo stooopid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I saw your profile, I feel sorry for you child. It’s almost funny how ignorant you are.

Anonymous said...

It is sad how uninformed you are. I would love to see where you found these "breast feeding scientists" ...what is the link/citation. Anyway, you need to do your research a little better...or talk to a doctor because you are absolutely incorrect. Breast feeding is the best milk is the best think you can give to your baby. This isn't hippy dippy granola sandal wear crap this is pyre FACT. If you choose not to BF that is your choice and no one should hold that against you, but please get your facts straight.

Manah said...

So you want to feed babies high-fructose corn-syrup instead? 'Cause that's basically what formula is.