Friday, July 13, 2012

Breastfeeding is Sooooo Third World

So yeah, go ahead and feed your baby like a privative savage-why don't you squat in a field to have it too? Me? I'm civilised, so I'm feeding formula. What's more, I'm wearing Liz Claiborne, you can get boob juice all over your native mumu (moo-moo) if you want.

It is called progress for a reason.


Anonymous said...

Im civilized and breastfeed my son. One of the most important things about breastfeeding is you can not be selfish. Once you have a baby it is all about them and their needs. It is the absolute best thing you can do for your baby. It also helps moms loose weight super fast. It burns 500 calories a day! I dont know how good your Liz claibourne will look with that extra baby weight. Im skinnier now than before i got pregnant.

Anonymous said...

haha you're a joke.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: the whole weight loss thing is a lie to get you to breast feed. you burn those 500 calories but you need 1000 (exaggerating here) to produce milk. you cannot be on a strict diet as you will lose the milk. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

"When you have a baby it is all about them" And these women wonder why their husbands cheat on them. Breast feeding is disgusting. Just pump the shit and quit making everyone else uncomfortable.