Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Breastfeeding Will Make Your Baby Amish

The Amish are all breastfed, and they're so stoopid they don't know how to turn on a television or fasten a pair of pants with a zipper. Unless you want some sort of plain speaking-button trouser wearing-furniture maker for a child, I suggest you get a tin of formula, and start feeding it.

I mean sure, we idealise these people until one of your own goes and starts living like them-there's only so much pie and hog maw a person can eat. It takes a village to raise a barn, but you only need a tin of formula to raise a child.


Anonymous said...

You're about as ignorant as they come. Formula is full if chemicals. It causes digestive issues and a bunch of other problems. I was breastfed and my child is breastfed and we are definitely not Amish. Breastfeeding is the absolute best way to feed a baby it's the perfect food for their little developing tummies. I think you need a lot more research before you try to talk about something. Oh and by the way it's spelled "stupid" not "stoopid". Maybe your mother should have breatfed, them maybe you would have been about to pay attention better in school.

Anonymous said...

Lol... Im sure it's a joke. Designed to get your panties in a bunch. Mission: accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Lol talk about troll city.

Anonymous said...

I love this guy

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion...however, in this case, there isn't an opinion necessary. The FACT is that breastfeeding IMPROVES intelligence. ALSO, for as long as there have been men and women on this earth, there has been sex, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Formula and bottles were only developed in the early 1900's. EVERY child until then was breastfed unless the mother was ill, and even then, they hired a 'wet nurse' to breastfeed. You think it's gross because of a social stigma that has only recently been applied. Your ignorance on the topic is merely a reflection of your own lack of intelligence. You must have been formula fed.