Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Breastfeeding Causes Close Republican Primaries

I just got back from a trip to Michigan, and everywhere I went some broad was whipping out her boob to shove in some wailing brat's mouth. There's a really close primary election going on there between Romney and Santorum. In the old days, when Romney's dad was governor, women gave their babies formula. Maybe if Mitt's campaign staff had handed out free samples of formula instead of campaign buttons, he'd be looking at a decisive victory tonight, instead of going around begging for votes. This sort of thing never happened in the 60's.

I want my baby to grow up knowing who he's voting for, so I'm feeding him formula!


Anonymous said...

Your baby will also have asthma and hate you

Anonymous said...

So you're saying cigarettes *aren't* OK for baby either? Geez, first no formuls, then no smokes, what next, stop giving him beers?