Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Free Formula Samples in Hospital

If they stop giving new mothers free formula samples in hospital , what am I going to feed my baby????????!!!!!!!!!!

And without vouchers for free formula, I'll have to apply for benefits to buy him formula!

Everyone knows formula is the best, perfect food (they engineer it that way-it's science)why do hospitals hate babies????


Anonymous said...

t is pretty obvious from this and the previous blogs you have written that you do not have any children, hurray for mankind, and that you do not know what research is. If you did know anything about breastfeeding and knew how to put aside your own personal, uneducated, thoughts you would know that formula is a replacement for breastmilk. How can something man made by scientists in a lab be better for your baby than something your body, THE SAME BODY YOUR BABY LIVED IN FOR 9 MONTHS, be better for that child? A mother's breastmilk is made specifically for their child. How do you think babies survived before formula was invented? As far a your tax dollars paying for those single women who have decided to breastfeed..wow..you obviously do not know how expensive formula is and if you mean to say that those mothers are unable to work and have to stay home with their babies then I shall introduce you to this magical thing called a breastpump. Women who work use them so that they can still can feed their child while they are away from them. Technology is such a wonder right? When I first started reading your blog I thought it was a joke..still is as far as I'm concerned because I have not seen one ounce of information on your blog that is correct. People like you are the reason that the internet is not a credible source of information.

Unknown said...

Guys, pretty sure this is satire.