Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Breastfeeding Linked to Dementia

A new study from the The International Teamed Statistics has definitive, concrete, PROOF that breastfeeding babies causes them to go all crazshit once they hit old age. Look at all the early-onset Alzheimers amongst baby-boomers. It was the breastmilk that made them lose their minds. Back when people shamelssly gave their babies formula full of corn syrup and contaminated water, they did just fine which is why great grandpa can still tell you about fighting the Krauts in Europe, march by march, but your damn hippie, boob-fed 60's baby can't remember which end of a shovel to dig with.

I don't want my baby to spend his declining years trying to remember who the hell I I'm feeding formula!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Now the dumbasses are hiring nannies to breastfeed their children.

So let me get this straight-you hire some I-legal wet nurse and then your kid just wants to eat chimmighangas and listen to mary-achi music all day while collecting a government check.

I don't want my baby to wear a sombrero-so I'm feeding him formula. Like an American.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Breast Is Best...for performance art!

Someone finally came up with a good use for all that disgusting boob juice-art! Now, I'm all in favour of this, as some poor kid doesn't have to drink it and end up undernourished and suffering from rickets and a mommy obsession later in life. Let the foodie fuckwits spread it on their expensive crackers, and give the poor kids a nice bottle of properly balanced, nutritionally sound formula from the store. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

I thought breastfeeding was supposed to help you cows lose the fat after being preggers-look at the photo-obviously not helping, is it?